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Saturday, June 1, 2019

“Times Health Excellence” Award for 2018–19 for “Excellence in services in Stem Cell Therapy”

“Times Health Excellence” Award for 2018–19 for “Excellence in services in Stem Cell Therapy”

I feel so grateful and honoured to share this news! In another recognition of the wonderful and outstanding work that everyone in the NeuroGen BSI family does on a day to day basis, we were awarded the “Times Health Excellence” Award for 2018–19 for “Excellence in services in Stem Cell Therapy”. It was also a special honour to receive this award from India’s seniormost and highly respected Oncologists, the legendary Dr. Suresh Advani.

Our real award of course comes from the grateful acknowledgment that we get from our happy patients and their families. The work we do is difficult and challenging which is why it is so hard and takes “Concentration of will and energy of the soul to do”. Yes, our work is physically, emotionally and mentally demanding yet the improvements that we see in our patients make all these efforts worthwhile. Elsewhere everyone earns money and acquires positions but very few other people get to experience the miraculous joy of seeing a CP patient walk or a child with autism talk. We are blessed that we have been given this unique opportunity to make a difference to the lives of children and adults who have nowhere else to go and no other treatment options. To quote a few (partially edited) lines from Frank Sinatra’s “The impossible dream”:-

“To dream the impossible dream
To right the unrightable wrong
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest, to follow that star
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far”
A big thank you to everyone. God Bless!!

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