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Friday, June 28, 2019

Cell therapy for Autism | Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism is now a widespread neurodevelopmental condition, that often severely impairs a child’s social, cognitive & physical aspects of growth. Over 70 million individuals all across the world have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Of the treatment options available, cell therapy for Autism is considered as one of the most potential forms of treatment. Globally renowned Indian neurosurgeon, Dr. Alok Sharma has also published the world’s first publication that establishes a positive correlation of cell therapy with Autism.

The publication, “Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cell Therapy for Autism: An Open Label Proof of Concept Study” was published in the Stem Cells International Volume 2013, Article ID 623875. It proves how stem cells have a beneficial role in improving the neuroplasticity of autistic brain. In the last decade, Dr Alok Sharma has successfully treated over 1800 cases of Autism with cell therapy in India. The improvements that have been observed at Dr Alok Sharma’s hospital, NeuroGen Brain & Spine Institute, in India, after cell therapy for autism, are better eye contact, reduced hyperactivity, better conceptual understanding, improved speech & communication, etc.

Dr Alok Sharma has been the recipient of over 15 awards, including the “Best Stem Cell Research Hospital in India” at the hands of Dr.Anupriya Patel, Hon’ble Minister of Healthcare & Family Welfare, Government of India in November 2018. He has also written over 16 books on the benefits of cell therapy for various neurological disorders. This includes two books that help parents & caregivers of Autism individuals, in the best ways they can do to help their autistic child get a better quality of life. Download the books on Autism by Dr Alok Sharma.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

What are Stem cells | Stem Cell Therapy | Autism Hospital in India

Neurological disorders have always carried a certain stigma of being permanent & life changing. Conventional medical treatments have always suggested that brain & spine injuries, neurodegenerative disorders or neurodevelopmental disorders such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, motor neuron disease, autism, parkinson’s, etc. do not have any substantial treatments available. This opinion tends to shatter the lives of individuals and families of such patients, more than the disorder itself. However, in the recent years, extensive studies on the potential of regenerative medicine, such as stem cell therapy, has shown a vast scope of improvement for such patients.

The research on stem cell therapy is currently being conducted globally, however, one hospital in India, lead by internationally renowned top neurosurgeon, Dr Alok Sharma, has published the most publications on cell therapy in neurological disorders. The only hospital in India to have the largest number of patients treated with cell therapy, NeuroGen Brain & Spine Institute, Mumbai, has published 95 articles in both Indian & International Journals. Dr Alok Sharma has also authored 15 books on the benefits & scope of cell therapy in neurological disorders.

What are Stem cells?
Stem cells are the most basic cells in the human body. They are responsible for the make of all tissues & organs in the living organism. In humans, these stem cells are abundantly available even after birth, in the bone marrow, fat tissue, etc. Stem cells can also be obtained either before birth (embryonic - not advised) or at the time of birth ( umbilical).

The inherent property of all stem cells is reproduction & repair. They are capable of developing into specialised cells once injected within the tissue. Adult stem cells are those cells which are easily available in the body after birth. When these cells are taken from a donor, they are known as allogeneic, and when they’re taken from the patient’s own body, these cells are referred to as autologous.

How can Stem Cells help in neurological disorders?
The earlier belief was that once damaged, the brain & nerve cells, could not replicate or repair, posing any nerve injury as permanent. The use of stem cells for cell therapy completely changes this. Stem cells, when injected into the spinal fluid, in patients with neurological disorders, travel to the brain & seat themselves in the damaged areas of the brain & spine, while, enabling the release of factors that help reduce inflammation & improve blood supply. As a result, these cells repair the injury, the results of which are manifested clinically.

Watch this video to learn more about stem cell therapy for neurological disorders.

At NeuroGen Brain & Spine Institute, once the stem cells are injected within the spinal fluid, the patient is made to undergo thorough & intense rehabilitation, to allow stimulation of these cells within the brain. In cases such as Muscular Dystrophy or Spinal muscular atrophy, these stem cells are also injected within certain muscle points so that they can carry out the healing within the muscles & make up for the degenerated cells.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Lion - Health & Wellness Awards

-TBWA\India and the Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute’s entry One Mindful Mind won a Bronze Lion in the Health & Wellness Lions category.

The same entry also won a Bronze Lion in the Print and Publishing Lions category. The entry is a print toolkit for children aged 7–15 that helps parents turn into counsellors to help them deal with anxiety, depression, and stress

Design Lions
Two entries from Indian agencies were shortlisted in the design category. Both the entries were from TBWA\India Mumbai. Their ‘One Mindful Mind’ campaign for Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute was selected in the ‘Promotion Item design’ and ‘Books’ subheads.

Print and Publishing
Seven entries from India were selected in this category. McCANN Mumbai’s ‘Cure 1’ and ‘Cure 2’ campaign for Mindopeners’ counselling for depression were selected in the Healthcare subhead, DDB Mudra Mumbai’s ‘Young Man’, ‘Old Man’ and ‘Kid’ campaigns for Khalsa Aid were selected in the ‘Not for Profit’ subhead, and TBWA\India Mumbai ‘One Mindful Mind’ campaign for Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute was selected in the ‘Adapted Print’ and ‘Commercial Publications’ subhead.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

“Times Health Excellence” Award for 2018–19 for “Excellence in services in Stem Cell Therapy”

“Times Health Excellence” Award for 2018–19 for “Excellence in services in Stem Cell Therapy”

I feel so grateful and honoured to share this news! In another recognition of the wonderful and outstanding work that everyone in the NeuroGen BSI family does on a day to day basis, we were awarded the “Times Health Excellence” Award for 2018–19 for “Excellence in services in Stem Cell Therapy”. It was also a special honour to receive this award from India’s seniormost and highly respected Oncologists, the legendary Dr. Suresh Advani.

Our real award of course comes from the grateful acknowledgment that we get from our happy patients and their families. The work we do is difficult and challenging which is why it is so hard and takes “Concentration of will and energy of the soul to do”. Yes, our work is physically, emotionally and mentally demanding yet the improvements that we see in our patients make all these efforts worthwhile. Elsewhere everyone earns money and acquires positions but very few other people get to experience the miraculous joy of seeing a CP patient walk or a child with autism talk. We are blessed that we have been given this unique opportunity to make a difference to the lives of children and adults who have nowhere else to go and no other treatment options. To quote a few (partially edited) lines from Frank Sinatra’s “The impossible dream”:-

“To dream the impossible dream
To right the unrightable wrong
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest, to follow that star
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far”
A big thank you to everyone. God Bless!!